


Our mission is to provide quality education of global standards to working professionals on a strong foundation of Indian values and traditions to students based on current advances in Management, science, technology, commerce and societal demands with emphasis on commitment to social progress, peace, harmony and national integration.

With this mission, SVIMST was founded in 1998 to serve and provide access to higher education for upper-division place- and time-bound students and to act as a catalyst SVIMST has done both.

Now, with the addition of lower-division students and the expectation of significant enrollment growth at all levels of the institution made necessary by educational, demographic and economic challenges facing the region and the state, SVIMST must plan where it wishes to go and what it plans to be in the coming years. The reality of rapid change and growth requires a framework and process that can manage these expectations within available resources. SVIMST needs a focus for sustaining a culture of excellence that benefits both the campus and the communities which it serves.

In planning for this future, we will remain loyal to the mission and purpose that have guided our campus since 1998 while also responding to the changing circumstances of the world in which we operate. Our founding purpose was, and will continue to be, a commitment to education as the main pillar of equality of opportunity in Indian society. Our commitment to students and their success has been central to everything this campus has done from its beginning. At the same time, we recognize that the communities and the larger society around us have not remained static. Sweeping changes, both locally and globally, have altered the higher education landscape and require a nimble response. These changes include new technology, increasing diversity in student characteristics, new forms of global interaction, challenges in energy and the environment, discoveries on how students learn, and a growing awareness of service learning, civic engagement, and extracurricular involvement that enhances learning.

The SBSIMST is dedicated to nurture creative contributors with enhanced creative and technological skills to contribute to the creation, application and extension of knowledge for the benefit of the society.

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