

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools, It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.

Mechanical engineering relates to the design and manufacture of mechanical systems – such as those used to power vehicles, industrial equipment and production lines, medical technologies and military equipment. Further specializations within this field include robotics, thermodynamics, technical drawing, nanotechnology and structural analysis.

Mechanical engineers are committed to the use of technology to improve the quality of life for society. Mechanical engineering covers a broad range of subjects. Many mechanical engineers specialize in areas such as materials, dynamics and controls, product design, manufacturing, energy and thermodynamics, and mechanics.

Programme Objective

The Diploma Programme in Mechanical Engineering seeks to provide more accessible and quality education and training to manufacturing/ production personnel to meet the real work needs of manufacturing/ production industry and prepare them for the changes in techniques, technologies, markets and employment patterns. This Programme has been designed to enhance quality and productivity of manufacturing/production personnel.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering​

Semester 1st Semester 2nd
Communication English Applied Mathematics-II
Applied Mathematics-I Engineering Physics-II
Engineering Physics-I Engineering Chemistry-II
Engineering Chemistry-I Engineering Graphics
Semester 3rd Semester 4th
Manufacturing Technology-I Manufacturing Technology-II
Engineering Mechanics Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Machine Drawing Design of Machine Elements
Computer Application Fluid Mechanics
Semester 5th Semester 6th
Thermodynamics CAD/CAM
Industrial Engineering and Management Automobile Technology
Metrology Mechatronics
Thermal Engineering Project
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