

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The IMES MBA aims to familiarize with international business and entrepreneurship; build basic written communication skills; share examples of where and how theory concepts are applied in the real world; facilitate learners / students to connect with their peer group, who are a mix of students and working professionals located geographically apart, having different career backgrounds. They can form their own buddy groups and exchange experiences and learning to build global exposure.

Programme Objective

The program is designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to become an effective manager in a variety of organizational settings. It is a broad based, career advancement degree rather than technical training for a particular job within an organization. The broad goal of the program is to provide students with the foundations in content and competencies that will support their development as effective managers in a variety of organizational settings.


Candidates who have passed any Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University with not less than 3years of Full Time experience in a Managerial / Supervisory / Professional Role after their graduation and should currently be working in a Professional Capacity in any organization.


The Program Duration for MBA will be Two Year comprising of Four Semesters, Students may choose to take breaks in between subjects/semesters. However, they are expected to follow a normative period of Three years i.e. Students will have to complete the program within Three Years from session start date

Semester 1st Semester 2nd
General Management Consumer Behavior
Organizational Behavior Strategic Management
Managerial Economics Business Communication
Management Information System Export Management
Legal Aspects of Business Business Ethics
Accounting for Management Advertising Management
Semester 3rd Semester 4th
Production Management Applied Management Operation Research
Marketing Management International Business
Human Resource Management Corporate Law
Financial Management Specialization Subject - I
Quality Management Specialization Subject - II
Mass Transfer Project

Course Benefits

Candidates successfully completing the program will be awarded a certification in MBA from Saheed Bhagat Singh Institute of Management Science & Technology


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