

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering course deals with the different aspects within the field of electrical engineering. The curriculum includes concepts and knowledge pertaining to circuit analysis, electromagnetic machines & drive system, power system, control system, power electronics, utilization etc. The course will focus on the core industrial requirement of ‘Electrical Engineering’.

Electrical engineers have made remarkable contributions to our world. Electrical Engineers helped invent the computer, DSL, cellular phones, microchips, and solar panels – to name just a few! DVD players, cellular phones, radio, television, computers, airoplanes, space vehicles, cars, motorcycles, home appliances, life-saving medical equipment, computer games, and Martian battles fought with joysticks represent a mere sampling of the now familiar facets of life made possible with the input of electrical engineers.

Electrical Engineering is an exciting and dynamic field. Electrical engineers are responsible for the generation, transfer and conversion of electrical power, while electronic engineers are concerned with the transfer of information using radio waves, the design of electronic circuits, the design of computer systems and the development of control systems such as aircraft autopilots. These sought-after engineers can look forward to a rewarding and glorious career.

Electrical energy is the most important form of energy and is used worldwide. With the increase in industrial growth, the requirement of electrical engineers is also increasing day by day. The course mainly focuses on core electrical engineering requirement of present and future industry.

Master in Electrical Engineering

Semester 1st Semester 2nd
Machine Drives Power Electronics
Instrumentation Machine Analysis
Electrical Machinery Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Drawings Computer Organization
Microprocessor Environmental Engineering
Semester 3rd Semester 4th
Industrial Circuit Digital Electronics
Digital Control Switchgear and Protection
EHV Transmission Project
High Voltage Engineering VIVA
Power System Protection
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