

Master of Commerce (M.Com)

The program is structured to ensure that post graduate commerce students get a rightful place and to prepare younger generation to work in growing Economic and Commerce Environment in the field of merchant banking, credit rating analysis, insurance and academic fields. The course includes paper presentation, summer internship, project dissertation and provides ample opportunities to take up part time assignments. We also facilitate good placement to students.

Programme Objective

The program offered under commerce gives the students a theoretical and practical exposure to the world of commerce. The course initiates students into advanced accounting, taxation and dynamics of marketing, auditing, banking, company law and allied disciplines.


Graduates in any discipline or equivalence from a recognised university are eligible for admission to the M.Com. Programme.


The Program Duration for will be 2 Years comprising of Six Semesters, Students may choose to take breaks in between subjects/parts

Semester 1st Semester 2nd
Marketing Management Corporate Accounting
Business Environment Business Research
Corporate Financial Accounting Financial Management
Accounting & Taxation Accounting & Taxation
Banking & Finance Banking & Finance
Inter / Multi Disciplinary Course Inter / Multi Disciplinary Course
Accounting for Managerial Decisions Managerial Economics
Corporate Legal Framework Strategic Management
Organizational Behaviour Advanced Research Applications
Accounting & Taxation-4 Accounting & Taxation-5
Financial Institutions & Markets Banking & Finance
Product and Brand Management

Course Benefits

Candidates successfully completing the program will be awarded a from Saheed Bhagat Singh Institute of Management Science & Technology.


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