

Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)

This is one of the most sought after courses in the academic arena and the combination of theoretical ideologies of the principles of management and practical hands-on experience in the form of industrial interaction gives the student an edge over the others when it comes to employment

Programme Objective

Emphasis is given to skill development, competency development, job learning and professional attitudes. It gives more practical exposure to the students along with class room theoretical knowledge of business and industry. The course provides the wide option of electives with emphasis given on constant soft skill development. Course helps the students to take up the responsibility of full line of marketing function, human resource management of a company with special reference to SME sector.


Students seeking admission to the BBM program must have passed Pre-University/Higher Secondary/10+2 examinations or equivalent of any recognized Board or Council in any discipline.


The Program Duration for BBM will be Three Years comprising of Six Semesters, Students may choose to take breaks in between subjects/parts. However, they are expected to follow a normative period of six years i.e. Students will have to complete the program within six years from session start date.

Semester 1st Semester 2nd
Indian Business Environment Elements of HRM
Micro Economic Analysis Macro Economic Analysis
Business Accounting Principles of Marketing
Principles and Practices of Management Business Statistics
Business Mathematics IT Business Operations
Semester 3rd Semester 4th
International Business Logistics Management
Productions and Operations Foreign Exchange Management
International Economics International Business in Services
International Marketing International Agri Business
Management Accounting Business Taxation
E-commerce Business Exposure
Semester 5th Semester 6th
Business Ethics Export and Imports Procedure
Business Laws International Business Laws
International Relations Study of Global Economics
International Banking and Finance International Project Management
Business Reporting Analysis

Course Benefits

Candidates successfully completing the program will be awarded a certification in BBM from Saheed Bhagat Singh Institute of Management Science & Technology.


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